Here's a whitepaper I wrote with CCSI describing what machine learning is and how you can use behavior analysis to assist your organization with threat detection. Few things over the past years have changed the way we defend our network like these two.
Attackers are consistently breaching enterprise networks in attempts to compromise confidential data and the hard truth is they’re not slowing down. Data breaches have almost become common place in today’s news and we’ve seen businesses hit with attacks that cost them millions of dollars in lost revenue, fines and consumer trust. The majority of these organizations already had the traditional security commodities in place (e.g. Logging, firewall, SIEM) and yet was still breached by dedicated attackers. In today’s attack landscape advanced attackers are able to bypass many of these defenses with persistent and dedicated attacks directed towards the organizations user base and vulnerabilities within their security architecture. The unfortunate truth when using only traditional security defenses is that the odds are heavily weighted in the attackers favor. By adding behavioral analysis and machine learning to a business’s cyber defense brings visibility to threats, which are sorely needed in today’s networks.
You can download and read the paper here: